The Department of Continuing Education and Innovations carries out its activities in the field of pedagogical education development in accordance with the development strategy of ASPU, provides the opportunity for every citizen who has completed the Bachelor’s level of education to receive continuous education in pedagogical specialties, identification of pedagogical education needs, international experience in pedagogical education, implements innovations and changes, works in the direction of increasing the competences of professor-teachers and students according to modern requirements.
The Department of Continuing Education and Innovations provides retraining and repeat higher education opportunities to change previously acquired qualifications or acquire new ones, adapt to ever-changing and innovative labor conditions, and ensure effective participation of citizens in the educational, innovative, social, political, economic and cultural life of the country.İt is a structural unit that organizes the implementation of trainings, seminars, webinars, virtual round tables according to the needs.
According to the "Rules for the organization of trainings at the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University", "Rules for the organization of "Tutor (academic advisor) training" training at the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University" approved by the relevant decision of the Scientific Council of ASPU, and the relevant orders of the rector, the Department of Continuing Education and Innovations Face-to-face and online trainings are conducted separately.
Continued by the department of education and innovations: "Possibilities of using distance education and electronic learning platforms, resources", "Tutor (academic consultant) training", "Teaching and application of state standards and programs (curricula) of general education", "Basics of defectology and speech therapy", Trainings are held on "Teaching strategies in inclusive classes", "Classroom management", "Teaching "Academic writing" skills in higher education", "Application of interactive methods in training", "Reading strategy in higher education and its stages".
ASPU and its branches, representatives of the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical College, heads of various city and district schools of the republic, subject teachers, employees of district (city) education departments, professors and teachers of a number of universities operating in Baku and other cities and regions, and managers participated in the trainings. Students and graduates, kindergarten directors, private course leaders, trainers, parents and other participants were given certificates for successfully completing the training.